Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Podcast That Could Have Helped You Buy a Car Yesterday

The most wonderful podcast of the month: Car sales. They rose in November, except for Toyota, which is still suffering from the aftereffects of its unintended acceleration.

Deals are to be had for car buyers.
Most surprising data point: The week between Christmas and New Year is the busiest time for new-car sales. But the best auto deals are usually at the end of November, and for 2010 it was November 30th. And KBB has its list of the vehicles with the best resale value.

The Volt is just rolling off of the factory line, and the EPA finally got around to slapping a sticker on Chevrolet's extended range electric vehicle. GM, which is on a small roll, was able to pay back some of its debt.

Also, a new study says the auto industry bailout saved over 1 million jobs.

Too bad those working stiffs still had to sit in traffic, particularly in New York City and around Washington D.C.

Finally, Sony released Gran Turismo 5 for the PlayStation3 after years of development and Autoblog's review doesn't have us revved up to buy it.

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