Friday, November 26, 2010

Volt Gets Fuel Economy Ratings From EPA and an Unreadable Sticker

Chevrolet Volt EPA Sticker
GM is touting the fuel economy ratings of the extended-range electric hybrid gasoline engine plus battery powered Chevrolet Volt in a press release.

And I'm sure the company is thrilled with the number 93 - as in combined mileage of the electric-only driving system, which relies on power from the grid rather than gasoline.

As a public relations effort the Volt is already a success and I think they will have an easy time selling all they can make initially. But the complexity of the label, which GM references in the release and is illustrated in the mammoth explainer the EPA has attached to the label, may be a negative as these kinds of vehicles become more mainstream.

Still, as we have seen with the Prius, perception is as important as reality for car shoppers.

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