Thursday, May 3, 2012

This Automotive Podcast Is Hefty, But Not Obese

Car sales are back and they are confusing. While things didn't look as good as they have, the reality is that there were three fewer selling days. Still, most brands posted gains and the annual sales rate continues to rise for 2012.

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David has been doing some more intense car shopping and while a manual transmission hasn't been a priority, more drivers are choosing to shift themselves again.

Classic electric
One reason to shop: the rising cost of owning a car -- especially one that gets poor fuel economy. The annual cost rose to $8,946, up 1.9% from last year, mostly due to higher fuel costs.

Hefty drivers and passengers are also pushing up costs because they take more energy to push around, and that means more gasoline: $4 billion worth.

Obese drivers probably aren't well suited to scooters, but in China, dual-mode transportation like a car plus a scooter, is a solution to crowded roads and limited parking.

David got a chance to drive a Chevrolet Volt recently, and while he was impressed, we're not sure it's going to be a classic like this 1909 electric vehicle.

Finally, New Jersey wants you to chill out behind the wheel after making road rage a more serious offense.

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