Thursday, March 7, 2013

This Automotive Podcast Wishes It Took Home Even a Used Lamborghini From the Geneva Auto Show

The Geneva auto show is turning in to one of the more interesting shows and not surprisingly for one of the wealthiest countries in the world, the place where many very high end luxury cars are introduced. We look at four in particular from Ferrari, Lamborghini, Rolls-Royce and Bentley that we expect to make an impression on the market. Plus a cool Kia that caught our fancy and some significant vehicles for the rest of us.

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One vehicle that is even more radical is this one that can be printed using the latest 3-D printers. We might need to start printing money if the market for used cars continues to be as tight as it is right now.

Since most of us can't buy a fancy new car, we're looking at renting them -- even a Porsche -- to get a brief taste of luxury.

Car or scooter or both? Toyota's i-Road
But don't crash one, because in many towns that will cost you even more because new taxes are being levied to cover the cost of emergency services. Perhaps these five new technologies will make it easier to avoid those crash taxes.

It looks like most new cars will have Internet access in about five years, and that is raising privacy concerns because it will make it easier to access the data that cars are already connecting.

Finally, a new social network for cars and their owners seems like a solution to a rare problem and we think probably won't catch on.

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