Friday, March 22, 2013

This Automotive Podcast Lost Its SmartKey at the In-Home Car Wash

The economy is coming back and car sales continue to hum along, with predictions for March sales looking good. One group of buyers, those between 24-34, are changing their preference from mostly Japanese brands to more Korean and American brands.

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Those young people are usually the most expensive to insure, and we look at the most and least expensive states for car insurance. One factor affecting insurance costs: lawyers. Insurance costs might be going up in Nevada, where some questionable folks are staging scam car crashes.

The government hoped to make electric cars safer for pedestrians, but car makers are saying the volume they want on the safety sound is too loud. In other electric and hybrid car news, the Mayo Clinic found they won't affect pacemakers.

Don't leave the car without it. via MSN
Someone on the Secret Service is probably having a heart attack after the wrong type of fuel led to a breakdown of President Obama's limousine.

Fuel savings is a big deal for big trucks and fleets, and now some are considering natural gas as a potential fuel, while others are working to make big rigs lighter and more efficient.

While this home car wash won't save much money, it is pretty cool. Audi's new super LED headlights are hot, so hot they are illegal in the U.S. Finally, keyless entry for cars is convenient, but also has the potential for other follies.

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