Wednesday, January 16, 2013

This Automotive Podcast Is Not Just a Cute Concept

It's time for the Detroit auto show where car makers unveil their next new models, inspiring designs and  radical concepts. We run through some of the most significant and sexy vehicles in the show, including the Chevrolet C7 Corvette, VW CrossBlue, Hyundai HCD-14, among many others.

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While Autoblog does a great job of obsessively covering the show, our old friend Joe White does a great job of asking Build It or Bag It?

Ford, which didn't have a bunch of big reveals at the show, is doing a great job of keeping its customers loyal to the brand.

There has been an increase in the debate about moving from a gas tax to a mileage tax and David makes an impassioned argument that it's too soon and there are too many infrastructure improvements and repairs needed to make that change.

Some day in the future there will be enough electric and alternative vehicles, especially if the prices drop like they did for the Nissan Leaf this year. But that day is probably still many years away.

Finally, a judge ruled that corporations aren't people enough to qualify for the HOV lane.

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