Thursday, December 27, 2012

This Automotive Podcast Goes One Louder -- To 2014

General Motors bought back a sizable chunk of the shares from the U.S. Treasury, continuing its rebound and allowing the auto maker's executives to once again ride on corporate jets.

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Toyota took another step to clear off its unintended acceleration issues by settling a class-action lawsuit for over $1.1 billion. That's pocket change for the Japanese company that is already predicting record sales for 2013. It will be among the many car makers that boost North American production through 2014.

In other auto business news, Suzuki is getting out of the U.S. market with a bang, with sales surging in the final months.

Questionable winter driving advice
Mazda is trying to one-up other brands by tagging its redesigned Mazda6 sedan as a 2014 model, but that is preventing dealers from actually selling the cars before 2013.

Auto-related fatalities rose a bit in 2012, but the numbers aren't really bad.

Men continue to pay more than women for auto insurance, but in Europe its now against the rules to use gender to determine rates.

Finally, here are some of the best new gadgets for cars this year and a prediction that Apple will get into the auto business in 2013.

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